Expert Sydney Lawyers

property consent Sydney

What are consent orders?

Consent Order applications predominate in the Family Court of Western Australia. Trial hearings are the types of cases that consume the most of the court’s time and can only be scheduled after all other suitable methods of dispute resolution have been tried and found to be ineffective.

Couples with complicated financial situations should get legal counsel before applying for consent orders since the cost of a mistake is frequently more than the expense of counsel. An Application for Consent Orders must be accompanied by a Minute of Consent Orders, which outlines the orders the parties are requesting the court to issue to codify their agreement. It is important to think through and thoroughly construct the Minute of Consent Orders.

Without engaging in any back-and-forth negotiations, we offer property consent Sydney orders, at a flat cost with a promise not to interfere with your arrangement. We are happy to have a casual talk regarding your issue if you have an agreement and would like to do so.

When the Court accepts your settlement, it becomes legally enforceable, giving you and your partner a safe and efficient way to settle your property consent Sydney differences after your partnership has ended. No matter how simple or complicated your case is, we can help. You and your ex might already have a basic understanding regarding how to divide the assets. Even if you don’t have any agreement, you want to start the process.Either way, we can help you resolve property consent Sydney settlement quickly and expertly by advising you on your rights and entitlements.

Generally speaking, obtaining consent Orders for the transfer of property will benefit the party holding the property since only minimal stamp duty will be due when the transfer is registered with Land gate because the property will be settled by court orders.

Solutions to property disputes that you can use

The knowledgeable and accommodating land dispute lawyer Sydney staff at Bick & Steele will give you timely and precise legal guidance. We will always keep your best interests in mind as we advise you on the most logical and efficient course of action.

Land dispute lawyer Sydney having extensive experience in real estate disputes, with a focus on negotiation and mediation. Property disputes can emerge for a variety of reasons, but they can all be expensive and time-consuming to settle. Being land dispute lawyer Sydney, we have a thorough awareness of your rights and obligations.


We are professionals at mediation and can help you come to a fair and reasonable resolution with the aim of both parties reaching an agreement without the need for legal action. We have in-depth understanding of your rights and obligations because we are property lawyers.

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